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Domestic Travel, All of Victoria — 7-day lockdown

Domestic Travel All of Victoria 7-day lockdown

Restrictions for all of Victoria until 11:59pm Thursday 3 June 2021

Travel in Victoria is limited to 5km from your primary residence and you can only leave your home for these 5 reasons:

  • shopping for essential goods and services — limited to 1 person per household per day, within a 5km radius from your home, unless your closest shops are further away
  • for authorised work and permitted education — if you can work from home, you must work from home
  • exercise for a maximum of 2 hours — with 1 other person or members of your household, within a 5 km radius from your home
  • for caregiving, compassionate medical reasons
  • to get vaccinated

You can also leave your home in an emergency.

You won’t be allowed visitors to your home — except your intimate partner. If you live alone, you can form a bubble with 1 person.

Private and public gatherings will not be allowed.

Visitors are not allowed at:

  • aged-care facilities — except for limited reasons
  • hospitals — except for end-of-life reasons, to support a partner during birth, or if you’re a parent accompanying a child

All of Victoria is in a 7-day circuit breaker lockdown and must comply with special restrictions until 11:59pm Thursday 3 June 2021.

For details, visit coronavirus.vic.gov.au.

Alternatively, call the Victorian Coronavirus Hotline on 1800 675 398.

You must wear a face mask both indoors and outdoors — unless you’re at home or you have a lawful reason not to.

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